Meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence.

We carry pumps and filters to fit any size pool or budget. From innovative regenerative filters to standard sand filters, we can size a system for your needs. Smaller energy efficient pumps are now available to replace high energy-consuming units. Call us and we will design and submit plans for a filtration system that meets local health codes.

Neptune Benson Defender® Filter

Gallery Filters 1

Certified Installer Icon 1The Defender® line of filters has become synonymous with the term “RMF” in the industry. ­This innovative Regenerative Media Filter provides an eco-friendly alternative to high rate sand filters. It eliminates a tremendous amount of water and chemical waste while providing pristine water quality with filtration down to 1 micron.


Looking to make the jump from sand filtration to RMF technology? Experience up to:

  • 90% Water Savings
  • 50% Energy Savings
  • 30% Chemical Savings
  • 75% Space Savings
  • 95% Less Particulate

The Defender regenerative media filter provides exceptional water filtration capabilities, along with significant water and energy savings when compared to sand filtration. It has rapidly replaced sand filters as the premier choice for water filtration in various recreational water applications.

Regenerative media filters provide substantial savings in the everyday operational costs of an aquatics facility.

Optimize Your Facility & Maximize Savings

Let Landmark Aquatic evaluate your facility or upcoming project to identify the ideal mix of attractions and services. Our expert analysis helps you enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and create a more engaging experience for your customers.