To schedule your pool closing service, simply fill out the form below.

By letting us handle your pool winterization, you can say goodbye to the stress of DIY pool closing and focus on enjoying the autumn season. Don’t delay – our schedule fills up quickly! Book your winterization service today to ensure your pool is properly protected before the first frost.

Schedule Your Pool Closure

    This service includes the following: drop the water level, drain and plug pressure and suction lines, open valves as needed, insulate pipes as needed, connect heat tapes or heater when applicable, drain filter tanks, clean filter elements, remove all fittings, shock pool with chlorine (if needed), drain pool cleaner pump, store pool cleaner hoses (at your site), add sequestering agent, add algaecide and install cover. Note: If you have a diving board it will be left in place unless we are specifically requested to remove it.

    All work will be completed on a time and material basis. The labor rate is $185.00/hour. There is a one-hour minimum charge. There will be a trip charge of at least $55.

    Would You Like to Be Contacted About Ordering a New Pool Cover?

    Would You Like Us to Bring Any Additional Supplies When We Close Your Pool?



    Cover Pump – Automatic ($234.00)

    Muriatic Acid - 1 gal.

    Algaecide - 1 qt.

    Liquid Chlorine - Case (4 gals)

    Ph Plus - 6 lb.

    Would you like to sign up for Winter Maintenance? (Learn more here)

    Monthly Winter Maintenance Service Program

    As winter’s chill envelops us, we recognize that maintaining your pool may not be at the forefront of your thoughts. At Landmark Aquatic, we are committed to ensuring that your pool remains in the best condition possible throughout the year, and we are here to provide you with a smooth transition into spring. Our Winter Maintenance Service program is meticulously designed to offer you peace of mind during the colder months.